Common Questions About Xello:

How to Login to Xello:

  • Go to the Student Portal on the FISD Website at 
  • Click the Student Links at the bottom and select the Xello Tile
  • When prompted, enter your school Google info to login

What Can You Do In Xello:

  • About Me
  • Matchmaker – find which careers for which you’re most suited
  • Learn about the skills/interests you possess and how it can be helpful in determining a career
  • Personality Style - take a personality quiz to see which careers you might enjoy
  • Learning style – discover which learning style will benefit you the most
  • Explore Options – Look at options for different colleges, majors, and careers by filtering and selecting criteria that is important to you.
  • Goals and Plans can be accessed when Explore Options are complete.  Map out your future with your post-secondary goals.
  • Go through the About Me quizzes to get an idea of what you might like to do in your future.
  • Start to look at the Explore Options to discover colleges, majors, and careers.