Scott Arrival/Dismissal

July 28, 2022


Below is new and improved Scott Dismissal Carpool instructions and map.

All siblings will be picked up in the area designated for the youngest sibling. 
Arrival_Dismissal Map

  • For example, if you are picking up a 4th grader, 3rd grader and a 1st grader, you will pick up all 3 children in the area designated for the K-2 grades.

Do not block the 3rd lane (outside lane).  You will be directed to circle back around if you block the 3rd lane since this will impede all traffic from moving forward.

Stay in your vehicle while students are loaded.  Children will only be loaded from the passenger side of the vehicle.  No exceptions. 

Do not park in the carpool parking lot and walk up to the carpool area for your child.  If you want to pick up your child on foot, please email their classroom teacher and change their dismissal method to “walker”.

As a reminder, students are not dismissed until 3:05.  We appreciate your patience.